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Dezi Howell

Q: Hello Dez, it's nice to chat with you. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

A: I am a mother to a beautiful little girl named Azrielle who is 7 years old. I'm 26 years of age and have lived in The Pas most of my life. I took a Nail Technician course in Winnipeg when I was 18, for 3 months. I also lived in Montreal for 6 months to pursue my modelling career.

Right now I am between The Pas and Montreal trying to secure a stable place of living for my daughter and I. I have 2 parents that live in The Pas, Dean Davidson and Debbie Davidson. I have a father that lives in Brandon, Allan Howell along with my younger sister, Jazmin Howell and one of my older brothers, Taylor Howell. I have two other brothers, Keith Davidson and Robbie Howell who live in Alberta and British Colombia.

Q: You've been successful in the world of fashion and aesthetics, can you tell us a little bit about that aspect of your life?

A: I took my nail technician course in Winnipeg, Manitoba, as soon as I graduated. It took me 3 months to complete. I then moved back home. I worked for a year and then had my daughter Azrielle at the age of 19. I continued to work doing nails throughout the years in salons and also on my own. I upgraded my high school courses at Mary Duncan and took the Law Enforcement Course for Policing at UCN.

My first experience with modelling was when I was 15 years old. I entered a competition in Winnipeg and won top 20 in Manitoba. I had been scouted by a Montreal agency at the time. I was young, naive, insecure, unsure and not experienced in that area to have known how to go about my modelling career at that age, so I just let it be and continued to be a teenager.

Q: How do you describe the experience of the travelling and the fashion industry?

A: Modelling has always been a career that I was passionate and excited about so it has always been in the back of my mind. It was my only regret, not taking the opportunity I was given due to my own insecurities. I went to a casting call in Winnipeg for Top Model Search Canada. I made it through to Toronto as top 100 women in Canada.

During the competition we did a photoshoot and some training. There was also a fashion show where we were selected by scouts from around the world. I had been scouted by 4 agencies. Toronto, Montreal and two from New York. I chose to go to Montreal because it had been a chance I turned down when I was younger. From there I moved to Montreal and had the opportunity to work for L'Oréal, Giant Tiger and Additionelle to name a few. I hope to continue my career as a model and further my career within the fashion industry.

Q: What inspires you to do what you do?

A: I have always been a dreamer. Since I was young, I knew I wanted to do something out of the ordinary. I wanted to see the world and meet interesting people. I love adventure and I thrive off of learning new things. I had always been a shy and unsure as little girl growing up. My personality was not allowing me to live up to my highest potential and I really felt it.

I've slowly learned (and am still learning) how to use fear as a tool to push me farther than I've ever imagined. I believe I've found the confidence within myself to put myself out there and take risks, even if that means being rejected once in a while. All in all, what inspires me most is becoming the best version of myself to be able to inspire, help and motivate others.

Q: Tell us what your thoughts about our communities of The Pas / Opaskwayak / RM.

A: As the years go by, I become familiar with more and more people. I feel like we have strong communities full of talent, culture and knowledge. I don't have an aboriginal background but I grew up immersed in the the culture so it's a huge part of who I am. I have so much respect for my home communities. It has helped shape me into the woman I am today.

You can follow Dez on Instagram.

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