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Drezden (Ojibwe/

Metis Urban Music Artist) grew up in The Pas, MB and lived there most of his life. He eventually hitchhiked to Winnipeg, MB for his first live performance at an all ages concert and did not return, choosing instead to embark on his music career. When living in The Pas, he attended Mary Duncan Elementary School, and enjoyed swimming and riding bikes with his friends. He also enjoyed watching WWF wrestling on TV. He is currently signed to Sony Music, is an avid YouTuber and is the self-proclaimed “Chicken Wing and Whisky Enthusiast”.

Q: Can you tell us a bit more about yourself?

A: Sure, I have a dog named Chevy who often features in a lot of music videos, he’s pretty awesome. I also used to be a professional wrestler in my early 20's and would often tour a lot of Canada, I started around a young age of 18, so I have some experience in the entertainment world already under my belt. I enjoy performing in The Pas when I have the chance, it’s always a special time performing for people you know like friends and family; it’s more comfortable I find.

Q: What made you decide in a career in music?

A: Well to be honest, I began rapping by accident. I had no real ambitions to become a musician at all. As I mentioned earlier I was a professional wrestler and when I was about 20 I had torn my muscle in my right arm which made it very difficult for me to continue competing. I fell into a depression, but a friend I had grown up with (who actually doesn't rap at all anymore) wanted to become a rapper. I felt I owed him and his family, as they took me in when my mom threw me out, so I told him I’d help him. I booked a concert in Winnipeg, MB and then hitchhiked down from The Pas. He was very nervous and I said "you can’t be nervous now! Let’s get on stage!" As it turned out I was a pretty good performer on stage too, and after that performance, kind of lit a fire under me to make this my new choice in life.

Q: When did you get your start in music?

A: I gave myself my own start really. At the time, the world was changing with YouTube and Facebook becoming the main way to be noticed and to communicate with each other. The whole idea of being signed to a record label and having everything done FOR YOU drastically changed, and any joe schmo could buy a microphone and put a video on YouTube and become famous, which meant now you would have to find your own way. So, I had to book my own shows and record my own music at home because nobody had time to take out of their own day to teach you anything, because really everyone else was trying to learn how to adjust as well.

Q: What genres of music interest you?

A: I enjoy Country music. not radio country though, I feel I have to explain that every time someone asks me this haha! I also enjoy Hip Hop and Rap, but again not what is on the radio, I don’t enjoy trap music, I like anything from the 90s and Millennium, my artists I enjoy listening to are: Yelawolf, Tech N9ne, Vinnie Paz, Joyner Lucas, Rittz and so many more. I LOVE rock music as well! I like Rob Zombie, Papa Roach, Avenged Sevenfold, Five Finger Death Punch, Three Days Grace, stuff like that!

Q: Who would you credit as being the biggest influence in your music career?

A: WWFs Razor Ramone / Scott Hall. His attitude is very influential in the sense of “Hey, I do what I want, when I want, and nobody is going to stop me!” and he might be the “Bad Guy”, but people still love him! I even bring tooth picks on stage with me, just in honor of him!

Q: What has been the most significant moment of your music career so far?

A; SO MANY to choose from, I enjoy every moment that is considered a step ahead for me. I would have to say performing at Comic Con and introducing Bret "The Hitman" Hart to the crowd OR touring the USA for the first time ever with Bizzarre from Eminems Group "D12".

Q: If you could give any advice to someone trying to get their own music career started, what would it be?

A: Don't take anything for granted. Never wait around for someone to hand opportunities over to you on a silver platter, go out there and get it for yourself. If something seems hard and a little scary, it means you must push yourself out of your comfort zone to achieve what it is you’re looking for.

Without the risk of sounding like a cheap fortune cookie, there will never be any success without struggle, and there is no happiness without sacrifice. I learned to embrace the negative things people have to say about me. I analyze it to see if there’s any truth to it, and whether there is or isn’t I go out of my way to prove them wrong so next time around, people like that don’t have the opportunity to even think something like that. I tie up all the loose ends. And remember; it’s not a job if you enjoy doing it!

Thank you, Drezden, for taking time to talk with us. If you would like to keep up to date with his music, you can do so at his Facebook page, and also at the Colossal Entertainment YouTube page.

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